Patuakhali Science And Technology University
Patuakhali-8602, Bangladesh
Faculty of Agriculture
- Agricultural Botany
- Agricultural Chemistry
- Agricultural Engineering
- Agricultural Extension and Rural Development
- Agroforestry
- Agronomy
- Animal Science
- Biotechnology
- Entomology
- Genetics and Plant Breeding
- Horticulture
- Plant Pathology
- Soil Science
- Statistics
Faculty of Business Administration and Management
- Accounting and Information Systems
- Economics and Sociology
- Finance and Banking
- Language and Communication
- Management Studies
- Marketing
Faculty of Fisheries
- Aquaculture
- Fisheries Biology and Genetics
- Fisheries Management
- Fisheries Technology
- Marine Fisheries and Oceanography
Faculty of Nutrition and Food Science
- Biochemistry and Food Analysis
- Community Health and Hygiene
- Environmental Sanitation
- Food Microbiology
- Food Technology and Engineering
- Human Nutrition and Dietetics
- Post Harvest Technology and Marketing
Faculty of Postgraduate Studies
No Subject Found.
Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering
- Computer and Communication Engineering
- Computer Science and Information Technology
- Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Mathematics
- Physics and Mechanical Engineering
Faculty of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine
- Dairy Science
- Anatomy and Histology
- Animal Products and By-Products Technology
- Basic Science
- General Animal Science and Animal Nutrition
- Genetics and Animal Breeding
- Medicine Surgery and Obstetrics
- Microbiology and Public Health
- Pathology and Parasitology
- Physiology and Pharmacology
- Poultry Science
Faculty of Environmental Science and Disaster Management
- Disaster Resilience and Engineering
- Disaster Risk Management
- Emergency Management
- Environmental Science
- Geo Information Science and Earth Observation
Faculty of Land Management and Administration
- Geodesy
- Geomatics
- Land Administration
- Land Policy and Law
- Land Record and Transformation
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